The Magic of Involving Employees in Your PR Efforts

Brianna Langley Henderson
4 min readMay 29, 2024

Public relations (PR) has evolved beyond traditional media outreach and press releases. One of the most powerful, yet often overlooked, components of a successful strategy is leveraging your greatest asset: employees.

The Importance of Employee Engagement in PR Strategies

PR is one of those endeavors that’s often seen and approached with an inside-out mentality. Meaning, most leaders assume PR is external-facing communication only. But that viewpoint is way too narrow for today’s complex communication matrix.

Simply put, when employees (people) are actively aware of and involved in PR efforts, they bring authenticity, humanize the brand, and foster a deeper connection with your audience (which, I would venture to guess, is also made up of people).

Engaged employees convey an authenticity that no amount of polished corporate messaging can replicate. Moreover, when employees share their stories and experiences, they create relatable content that resonates with the public and the media on a personal level.

Building Brand Trust and Credibility

Involving employees in your PR initiatives helps build trust and credibility by showcasing the human side of your organization. Authentic stories from employees offer a glimpse into your company’s culture and values, making your brand more relatable.

For example, when employees share their experiences about working on a project, customers gain insight into the effort and dedication behind the scenes. These narratives offer a transparent view of your company’s operations, which can significantly enhance brand reputation. On the flip side, employees who feel their voices are heard and valued are likely to be more motivated and engaged in their work, improving overall morale.

Involving employees in PR initiatives can also lead to innovative ideas and fresh perspectives that might not emerge from traditional PR mindsets. Employees often have unique insights and stories that can resonate deeply with your audience. By leveraging these voices, you can create more compelling content that stands out in even the most crowded marketplace.

And, needless to say, showcasing employee stories can help attract top talent. Job seekers are increasingly looking for companies that align with their values and offer a transparent view of what it’s like to work there. When potential candidates see real stories from current employees, they get a better sense of the company’s culture and whether it would be a good fit for them.

Strategies for Involving Employees in PR Campaigns

So, how can organizations effectively involve employees in their PR campaigns? Here are some ideas to help get you started:

Encourage Storytelling

Invite employees to share their personal stories, experiences, and successes. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or social media takeovers, storytelling adds a unique dimension to your PR campaigns.

Leverage Social Media

Empower employees to be active on social media and share company content. Encourage them to use branded hashtags and participate in company-wide social media challenges. This not only amplifies your message but also boosts employee engagement.

Feature Employees in PR Materials

Highlight employees in press releases, case studies, and newsletters. Featuring employees in these materials not only recognizes their contributions but also adds a human touch to your PR efforts.

Host Internal Communication Workshops

Conduct internal workshops to educate employees about the importance of strategic communication and how they can contribute. Provide them with the tools and knowledge needed to represent the brand effectively.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Engaging employees in PR efforts presents its own set of challenges. Here are some strategies for overcoming these obstacles:

Ensuring Consistency

One of the biggest challenges is maintaining consistency in messaging. To overcome this, provide clear guidelines and training for employees, especially designated spokespeople. Equip them with key messages and talking points to ensure alignment with the overall strategy.

Managing Expectations

Not all employees may feel comfortable being in the PR spotlight. Respect their boundaries and focus on those who are enthusiastic about participating. Offer various ways for employees to get involved, catering to different comfort levels and skill sets.

Monitoring and Moderation

While empowering employees to share content, it’s essential to have a system in place for monitoring. Engineer a review process for content before it goes public to ensure it aligns with your brand’s values and messaging.

Future Trends and the Evolving Role of PR

The future of PR is actively evolving, and employee involvement is set to play an even more significant role in the future. As businesses continue to navigate the AI age, authenticity and transparency will become more and more critical. Trends to watch include:

Rise of Employee-Generated Content

As user-generated content gains popularity, employee-generated content is likely to follow suit. Encouraging employees to create and share the right content will become essential for modern PR strategies.

Integration of AI and Automation

AI and automation, just like in almost every other field, will streamline PR processes, making it easier to manage employee involvement. Automation tools will help monitor content, measure impact, and provide insights for continuous improvement.

Focus on Employees

The well-being of employees will take center stage more and more in the coming years. Companies must prioritize creating a positive work environment — happy and satisfied employees are the best brand ambassadors in this era of online reviews.

Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion

Highlighting diverse voices within your organization will not only reflect the company’s values but also resonate with a broader audience.

Involving employees in your PR efforts is truly a strategic move that can elevate trust, credibility, and authenticity. By encouraging storytelling, you can harness the power of your company’s workforce to create impactful and relatable PR campaigns.

As the role of PR continues to evolve, I really believe employee involvement will become a key driver of success, fostering a deeper connection between brand and audience.



Brianna Langley Henderson

I'm Bri - an experience strategist and growth marketer. When I'm not studying the impact of human experiences, I'm typically outdoors enjoying a good book.