AI is Good for Humans

Brianna Langley Henderson
2 min readMar 25, 2024

In the business world, everything is viewed through the lens of value. You’re either a value promoter or a value detractor.

Every decision, every investment, every hire is scrutinized through the lens of its potential contribution to the bottom line. It might be a harsh reality, but a reality nonetheless. Considering the ROI on purchasing a new analytics dashboard builder? What is the quantifiable value it would bring? And is that value worth the investment? Thinking of hiring a new marketing specialist? What would the potential value-adds be as a result of that decision?

Value. That’s the real currency within the innerworkings of corporate America.

Now AI, with its unparalleled data processing capabilities and efficiency, has raised many concerns about the potential erosion of human value in the workplace.

And the fact of the matter is, there are a lot of things AI is better at than we are. Data parsing, for example. Or writing the first draft of a blog post at 10x the speed of any normal human. Therein lies its value.

But that doesn’t necessarily diminish our value. In fact, AI offers a unique opportunity to illuminate our true worth. It sheds light on the qualities that set us apart — emotional intelligence, creative ideation, strategic thinking — qualities that are the bedrock of innovation and progress. Qualities that, arguably, bring more value to the table than quick turnarounds and manual data diving.

From a business standpoint, the integration of AI brings new possibilities for agility and competitiveness. By harnessing its power, companies can streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and drive growth.

At its core, AI serves as a catalyst for human evolution in the workplace. Rather than fearing obsolescence, maybe we should embrace AI as a way to develop personal and professional growth. By leveraging the complementary strengths of both humans and machines, we can actually unlock unprecedented levels of productivity, innovation, and value.



Brianna Langley Henderson

I'm Bri - an experience strategist and growth marketer. When I'm not studying the impact of human experiences, I'm typically outdoors enjoying a good book.